As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember
to Mar 30

As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember

As long as I remember, as fast as I remember, as strong as I remember is an ongoing multi-legged research departing from individually (re)collected visual memories of the collectively-experienced ‘glory’ that was the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the games, which carry historical, economic, and political importance and contrasts with the societal decay that followed. Nevertheless, the memory of it remains to be a mass- scale sense of euphoria, celebration, and perhaps even a tool for escapism. It remains to be a prominent drop filling up pools of memory.

The selected works, presenting Greek visual artists are making contact with the peripheral victory and decay throughout different branches of visual and auditory storytelling. It acts as retelling of this historical era experienced by many all around the world, suggesting our memory to be a selective tool in regards to success stories and how they interact with time.

With contributions by:
Loukia Alavanou
Mikhail Karikis
Lina Theodorou
Eriphyli Veneri
Anna Vasof
Kostas Bassanos
Georgia Sagri

Curated by:
Ferdinand Waas


Fridays and Saturdays

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The Video Show   I can’t see a thing. I’ll open this one
to Jun 4

The Video Show I can’t see a thing. I’ll open this one


Vernissage: 19-22.00 Saturday 06.05
Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday 12.-14.00

Participating and contributing artists:
Morag Keil (Scotland), Atiéna R. Kilfa (France), Miriam Laura Leonardi and Gabriele Garavaglia (Switzerland), Max Göran (Sweden), Maddy Plimmer (New Zealand/UK), Ruth Angel Edwards (UK), Stanislav Iordanov (Bulgaria/UK), Nora Joung (Norway)

Curated by Marie-Alix Isdahl

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Pinlig forhør - Marin Håskjold
to Jun 19

Pinlig forhør - Marin Håskjold

Av Marin Håskjold

Kuratert av Una Mathiesen Gjerde


Glovarme kullstykker treffer en naken brystkasse. De brenner seg inn i huden. Bekjenn! Bekjenn at du har trosset Gud og inngått pakt med djevelen!

Trolldomsprosessene som fant sted på 1500- og 1600-tallet kostet i alt 350 menneskeliv, noe som gjør Norge til et av stedene i verden hvor trolldomsprosessene kostet flest liv per innbygger. Enkelte mindre landsbyer ble som resultat av store kjedeprosesser så og si tømt for kvinner. Majoriteten av de som ble dømt tilsto å ha inngått pakt med djevelen – hvordan hendte det?

Dette spørsmålet er omdreiningspunktet for Marin Håskjolds utstilling Pinlig forhør på K4. Trodde straffemyndigheten virkelig at de anklagede kunne trolldom? Eller var trolldomsprosessene først og fremst en kynisk hersketeknikk for å kontrollere kvinner? Og hvorfor innrømmet så og si alle som ble anklaget at de kunne trolldom? Trodde de at de faktisk kunne det – eller var de for redde for makthaverne til å si imot? Med sin særegne filmatiske metode undersøker Håskjold disse spørsmålene på jakt etter å forstå hva som drev fram det mest omfattende justismordet i norsk historie.


Marin Håskjold (f. 1993) er en kunstner og filmskaper med base i Oslo. Hun har studert bevegelige bilder ved Nordland kunst- og filmskole i Kabelvåg. Identitet er et sentralt tema i Håskjolds arbeid, hvor hun går filosofisk til verks i sin utforskning av ulike oppfattelser av kjønn og genus fra et skeivt og feministisk perspektiv. Hennes verk har blitt utstilt og vist på en rekke kunstinstitusjoner og filmfestivaler, deriblant Tate Modern, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Coast Contemporary, Kyiv International Film Festival, Helsinki International Filmfestival og Kortfilmfestivalen i Grimstad. Håskjolds kortfilm «Hva er en kvinne?» (2020) har mottok Amandaprisen i 2021 i kategorien beste kortfilm.

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Jon Eirik Kopperud
8:00 PM20:00

Jon Eirik Kopperud

Early morning September 26, 2016 film photographer Pål Ulvik Rokseth and I crammed camera, film stock, tripod, audio equipment, printer, a few miscellaneous props into the trunk of a taxi. It took about five minutes to get from my apartment to Anker Hotel. We put everything on a luggage trolley, got in the elevator and went up to a room on the 6th floor.

A few days earlier I had emailed Pål a sparse ‘manuscript’ entitled Røveren (The Robber). The film lasts just over 20 minutes. The premise is simple: The pages that make up Robert Walser's novel Røveren is copied by means of a compact camera and an inkjet printer. The narrative provides a detailed documentation of the technicalities of this process.

Two ideas formed the basis for the film: One was that of a blind, or at least uninterested, “reading machine” consisting of human and non-human components that by its operations recovers the unreadability of a text. (Walser’s original manuscript was written in nearly illegible microscript that it took researchers decades to render readable.) I also wanted to capture the particular sounds that cheap inkjet printers and compact cameras produce while operating, to accentuate friction in the machinery. The squeaks and hums of the printer churning out sheets of paper is occasionally joined by the higher pitched noise of the camera repeatedly trying to calculate its autofocus.

Around lunchtime, after completing about half of the ‘scenes’, we went and bought a pizza. This was left in its cardboard container on the bed, so that it, now in a half-eaten state, was included in what ended up being the film's opening sequence.

We finished early evening and took a taxi back to my apartment with equipment and props. Later that night, thanks to Pål, I managed to get the exposed film stock onto a shipment to a film lab in Stockholm, organized (and paid for) by an advertising agency that had also shot analog film that week. The material was developed and uploaded to an ftp server a few days later.

A frustrating week of editing followed. I always labor to bring the material together in a way that generates some value X that exceeds the sum of the parts. What usually happens, though, is that little by little my ambitions adjust to the properties of the actual material. One day I woke up after a long night of editing, turned on the computer and played back my latest edit and realized that, all of a sudden, it ‘worked’.

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Frøya Records presents Kristian Skylstad - I AM GHOST I AM SHADOW I AM WIND
8:00 PM20:00

Frøya Records presents Kristian Skylstad - I AM GHOST I AM SHADOW I AM WIND

Frøya Records presents

Жrïšţïãñ $ķчłśŧãð - I AM SHADOW I AM GHOST I AM WIND

Limited Edition Audio Cassette

Cassette + Digital Album


Never lose that childish glow in your eyes

Over her edge time grows rainbows fighting blind

Forever falling

Obliviously fading

Swiftly illuminated

Failing, glaring

Searching earthward

Beyond and into

Eclipsical love lost

Mind demolished

The sacrificed, ignorant instincts

Dangerously real

Blank human void embrace golems

Overwhelms divine feelings


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